Photo by Michael Oppenheim.
“We knew about CFWNC from its inception in 1978 and felt secure in opening our fund and becoming part of the organization. We are fortunate to live in a community that holds opportunity for its citizens. We want to help support those opportunities particularly in ways that affect mental wellness.
Since 2000, when our state started dismantling mental health services, local communities and nonprofits were tasked with caring for this vulnerable population with very few resources. As a family impacted by mental health issues, we honor the courage that our family members, and others, endure with this devastating, yet invisible disease, that remains shrouded in misinformation and stigma. Today with education and a better understanding, we are making strides in improving quality mental health services.
Always but especially now, the underserved youth of our area need support by caring and well-qualified counselors working with schools and families to provide wraparound services. We appreciated the opportunity to co-invest with CFWNC to make grants with other like-minded people to groups working in that field. The process provided us with a broad range of thought, expertise and an interchange of ideas.
We have been very fortunate in so many ways and always want to give back when we can. Working in partnership with an organization, whether the Community Foundation, one’s church or another civic group, enriches the whole experience of philanthropy and caring for your community.”