
Joanne Badr

Francisco Castelblanco
Vice-Chair and Secretary

Heather P. Norton
Board of Directors

Natalie N. Bailey

Carla Barnard

Milton Butterworth

Ellen O. Carr

Yolanda Fair

Michael Fields

Constance M. Haire

Himanshu Karvir

Matthew T. Lee

Harris M. Livingstain

Jean McLaughlin

Scott Peterson

J. Chris Smith

Sharon Fouts Taylor

Carter B. Webb

Juanita Wilson

Lynn M. Wilson
Former Board Members
- Marla Adams
- Maurean Adams
- Blan C. Aldridge*
- Robert B. Armstrong*
- Thomas C. Arnold
- Caroline M. Avery
- Joseph T. Bailey*
- Louise W. Baker*
- Garza Baldwin, Jr.*
- James W. Baley
- Perry W. Bartsch*
- Wm. Michael Begley
- C. Robert Bell, Jr.
- Gene Bell
- Charlotte Lunsford Berry
- E. Mitchell Betty
- George W. Beverly, Jr.
- Stephen D. Bitter*
- Elizabeth D. Bolton*
- J. Wilson Bowman, Ph.D.
- G. Waring Boys*
- Janice W. Brumit
- James K. Buchanan
- James A. Buckner*
- Ellen Salsbury Burgin
- Sandra P. Byrd
- Ellen R. Carr
- Robert J. Carr*
- Philip G. Carson*
- Mimi Cecil*
- Guadalupe Chavarria II
- Gran P. Childress*
- Vincent D. Childress, Jr.
- James McClure Clarke*
- Billy Clarke
- Morton S. Cohn*
- Jerry L. Cole
- Nancy L. Cole*
- Donald R. Cooper
- Carol W. Costenbader*
- John D. Creadick*
- Rebecca B. Cross
- S. Jerome Crow*
- Paul (Bubba) Crutchfield
- Charles E. Cummings
- John N. Daniel*
- Barbara W. Dark
- Carol Deutsch*
- David S. Dimling
- Jennie Eblen
- Durward R. Everett, Jr.*
- Ernest E. Ferguson
- Thomas Lee Finger
- Charles Z. Flack, Jr.*
- John N. Fleming
- Charles Frederick
- Sherri B. Free
- Kerry A. Friedman
- James H. Glenn*
- Jeffery A Gould
- James A. Gray*
- Fred F. Groce, Jr.
- Martha Guy*
- Howell A. Hammond*
- Darryl Hart*
- John B. Hickman*
- Samuel B. Hollis
- A.C. Honeycutt
- Malcolm T. Hopkins*
- Kenneth M. Hughes
- W. Stell Huie*
- Raymond A. Hust*
- Carl B. Hyatt*
- Sam L. Irvin*
- Lewis J. Isaac*
- Harry Jarrett
- Susan Jenkins
- Melanie Johnson
- John Kelso
- Barry B. Kempson
- Adelaide D. Key*
- Stephanie Norris Kiser
- Susan Kosma
- Brian F.D. Lavelle*
- William N. Lewin
- David Liden
- Virginia Litzenberger
- Doris Phillips Loomis
- T. Wood Lovell
- Richard T. Lowe*
- William W. Mance, Jr.*
- John W. Mason
- Sue McClinton
- Hugh E. McCollum
- Charles T. McCullough, Jr.*
- J. Edgar McFarland
- Roger McGuire*
- Tina McGuire
- A. William McKee*
- James H. Miller
- Stephen P. Miller
- Moyna Monroe*
- Janet Smith Moore
- Barbara M. Nesbitt
- Charles E. Nesbitt*
- Isabel H. Nichols*
- Cary C. Owen*
- Eleanor M. Owen
- Marilyn B. Patton*
- Lowell Pearlman
- Robert C. Pew, III
- James B. Powell, II
- Claude Ramsey*
- Maloy R. Rash, Jr. *
- Arthea (Charlie) Reed
- George D. Renfro
- Sally L. Rhoades*
- Robert J. Robinson*
- Maria Roloff
- Ramona Rowe
- John R.E. Ruhl
- Robby Russell
- George W. Saenger
- John Q. Schell*
- Alexander Schenck*
- Lary A. Schulhof
- Scott Shealy
- Anna S. (Candy) Shivers
- John F. Shuford*
- A. Clay Smith
- Raymond Spells, Jr.
- Thomas L. Spradling
- John S. Stevens*
- James W. Stickney, IV
- Jerry Stone
- Karl H. Straus*
- William C. Sword
- Michael S. Tanner*
- Sarah Sparboe Thornburg
- G. Edward Towson
- Pamela M. Turner
- Terry Van Duyn
- Douglas Van Noppen*
- Kate Vogel
- Stephen Watson
- Laura A. Webb
- Laurence Weiss
- Judith A. Wenzel
- Sharon Kelly West
- Glenn W. Wilcox, Sr.
- Maurice H. Winger, Jr.*
- John G. Winkenwerder
- Richard A. Wood, Jr.*
- Stephen W. Woody
- James W.G. Woollcott*
Richard B. Wynne