The theme of this FY 2023 report is Confluence, inspired by the rivers and streams that flow through every county CFWNC serves. From the Catawba in Burke County to the Tuckasegee in Jackson County, bodies of water, large and small, cross boundaries and represent a resource we all share. There are many issues and efforts where common concerns merge, and we are committed to working at those intersections.
CFWNC has a new strategic framework that we will use to navigate the coming years. It is flexible by design. Our goal is to partner broadly and to integrate a renewed sense of purpose into our work addressing issues that affect all. We want our actions and resources to be part of relevant and socially-responsible leadership and investment in the region.
We are inspired by people who recognize a problem or opportunity and have the audacity and tenacity to imagine a solution. We see this approach daily across the work of our nonprofit partners and in the generosity of our donors.
CFWNC is committed to trying, to transparency and accountability, and to aligning our work with the core values of our region. We acknowledge the complexity of this approach, and some likely discomfort, but also the potential of learning, growing and collaborating to better serve the WNC region.