
Joining a committee is a great way to meet other Women for Women members and get more involved in the work of the giving circle.

Photo by Michael Oppenheim.

Photo by Michael Oppenheim

The Advocacy & Education Committee champions solutions to the issues impacting women and girls. Members coordinate Women for Women's advocacy efforts and plan educational opportunities for members. Estimated commitment is three to four hours per month.

The Grants Committee evaluates nonprofit grant applications and provides funding recommendations to members each year. Members also host the annual Grant Awards Celebration event. Estimated commitment is 25 hours in the fall and 35 hours in the spring.

The Membership & Communications Committee recruits and retains members of the giving circle and helps plan & host all Women for Women events. Estimated time commitment is five hours per month.

THRIVE Appalachia was awarded $17,000 to create opportunities, connections, and hands-on learning experiences for youth who will benefit from a welcoming community. Funding will support microenterprise ventures that teach financial literacy and small business skills and provide apprenticeship opportunities to young women in Yancey, Mitchell and Avery counties. Photo by Michael Oppenheim.

The Steering Committee provides oversight to the three standing committees, manages the giving circle's administrative budget, and develops the giving circle's strategic plan. There is a nominating process for the Steering Committee and openings for new members are available on a rotating basis.

To join a committee, email Program Administrator Amanda Keiser at

Women for Women Steering Committee

  • Carrie Coward, Chair
  • Jewel Tavener, Vice Chair
  • Julia Akers
  • Jenny Boyer
  • Meg Bradley
  • Heather Brown
  • Leslie Dressler
  • Jennie Eblen
  • Jane Haynes
  • Sheila Horine
  • Pam Lane
  • Anne McFarland
  • Jill Preyer
  • Betsy White