Women for Women
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Acknowledging CFWNC Support

We encourage grantees to share the news of CFWNC support for your work. You can do this in a number of ways:

  • Mention the grant support in your organization’s materials and on social media. When doing so, please use the following language: Funding provided (or funded in part) by a grant from The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina. (Note that the “t” in “The” is capitalized.)
  • Create a link on your website to The Community Foundation. By including a link to our website, you help increase traffic to both our sites. You can also include the Foundation’s logo on your website, when appropriate.
  • Include the Foundation’s name and logo on signs or plaques that recognize donors at your events or facilities.
  • Follow our social media and tag us if you mention us on yours.
  • Issue a news release to the media. Remember to tell your story through the people you help and the impact you have on your community.
  • Support The Community Foundation’s marketing efforts by submitting stories of your successes and your work.
  • Capture and share appealing images using this guide. CFWNC features grant recipients in our printed publications, on our website and in social media. Please share your images with us. With advance notice, we can arrange to attend events or visit programs or perhaps send a photographer. When submitting photos, please include a brief description that may be used to credit you and your photographer.
Referring to CFWNC

Style Guidance

Our Name and Description

Please use “The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina” when referring to the organization. When including a description, please use the following:

The Community Foundation is a nonprofit serving eighteen counties in Western North Carolina. The Foundation is a permanent regional resource that facilitated $23.8 million in charitable giving last year. CFWNC inspires philanthropy and mobilizes resources to enrich lives and communities in Western North Carolina.

If Your Grant Was Made by an Affiliate Fund

If your organization has received a grant from one of our nine affiliates, please list the funding source this way:

Funding for this program was provided by (name of affiliate), an affiliate fund of The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina. The (name of affiliate) is an endowment created to support the charitable needs of our community.


We encourage you to use our logo where suitable. Please let us know how you plan to use the logo so we can provide you with the proper digital version. Grants Manager Diane Crisp can assist you or answer questions.