Generosity Multiplied
Spring 2024 - Grants totaling $117,890
- $3,500 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina for a mentoring program that serves disadvantaged youth.
- $2,500 to Black Mountain Center for the Arts for security and safety equipment.
- $10,000 to Black Mountain Counseling Center to provide counseling sessions to uninsured or underinsured people affected by domestic violence.
- $2,500 to Black Mountain Parks and Greenways toward preliminary steps required by NCDOT to install lights in the box culvert under I-40 between Veterans Park and the Community Garden along a greenway.
- $10,000 to Bounty & Soul to support a mobile food truck that provides fresh vegetables and fruit.
- $1,000 to Brother Wolf Animal Rescue to subsidize spay and neuter surgeries for pets from low-income families.
- $5,000 to Center for Conscious Living & Dying to improve accessibility to an education center.
- $3,000 to Charles D. Owen Middle School to replace lost and damaged books for its Media Center.
- $5,000 to Council On Aging of Buncombe County for a senior dining and wellness program.
- $10,000 to Food Connection to provide meals for people with low incomes.
- $10,000 to Friends and Neighbors of Swannanoa for a feasibility study for a greenway and sidewalks in the Swannanoa Valley.
- $10,000 to Hammer and Heart to provide home repairs for low-income households.
- $10,000 to Helping at Risk Kids to shelter homeless youth and provide summer camp experiences for, and address essential needs of, children in DSS custody.
- $10,000 to Meals on Wheels of Asheville and Buncombe County to purchase wholesale food for meal preparation for homebound seniors.
- $10,000 to Pisgah Legal Services for free civil legal assistance and advocacy to low-income survivors of domestic violence and child abuse.
- $5,500 to St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Margaret Mary Conference to provide automobile support for people with low incomes.
- $3,000 to Swannanoa Valley Museum & History Center for a security system.
- $6,890 to Waypoint Adventure for an outdoor program that serves adults with physical challenges and to purchase an adaptive off-road wheelchair.