Frequently Asked Questions

More information about membership and grants can be found here.

Photo by Michael Oppenheim


1. What are the benefits of membership?

  • Learn about regional issues impacting women and girls
  • Make meaningful friendships and build professional connections through meetings and social events
  • Join a Committee that fits your interest: Advocacy & Education, Grants, or Membership & Communications
  • Vote to decide which organizations receive grant funding
  • Receive updates on grantees and learn how your gift was put to good use

2. Can I sponsor a friend or family member’s membership?

  • Yes. As long as the $1,200 membership is paid in full, you can pay for as many memberships as you’d like.

3. How much of my membership fee goes toward grants?

  • Of your $1,200 gift, $1,000 goes to the pool of grant funds; $200 supports our operations.

4. Are members required to volunteer for a Committee?

  • There are no requirements for participation. Your involvement beyond your generous contribution is totally flexible and determined by your interest level and availability.

5. Can my partner and I share a membership?

  • Because each member has a vote, memberships can’t be shared.

6. Is Women for Women a nonprofit?

  • Women for Women is an initiative of The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina (CFWNC), which is a 501(c)(3). Because CFWNC is a nonprofit, membership gifts are 100% tax-deductible.

7. How does Women for Women structure its work?

  • The Steering Committee develops the giving circle's strategic plan, manages the giving circle’s administrative budget, and provides oversight to the three standing committees: Advocacy & Education, Grants, and Membership & Communications.
  • Advocacy & Education Committee: Leverages public policy change and public funding to champion solutions to the issues reflected in our membership-approved grants
  • Grants Committee: Evaluates grants proposals and makes site visits to make informed funding recommendations to the membership
  • Membership & Communications Committee: Ensures members stay informed and connected, and manages efforts to recruit members to the giving circle

8. Does WFW have less expensive, junior memberships available?

  • All members contribute equally - $1,200 per year. This allows us to effectively manage our operations and grant budgets.

9. I can’t join now, but I’d like to support your work. Can I make a donation?

Yes. There are two options:

  1. The Women for Women Endowment Fund will provide a revenue stream for the giving circle's operations and ensure our future financial sustainability. The Fund helps protect our finances from fluctuations in membership and supports our long-term growth.
  2. The Women’s Fund is a CFWNC endowment that addresses the unmet needs of women and girls. Spendable income is granted through the WFW grant program.

Tax-deductible gifts of any size are appreciated and make a difference.


1. How do you decide which organizations receive grant funding from Women for Women?

The WFW Grants Committee uses the following process and timeline to select grant recipients:

  • October: Organizations throughout the region submit a Letter of Intent (LOI).
  • November - December: After reviewing and ranking each LOI, the Committee votes to select organizations invited to complete a full application.
  • January: The Committee reviews and ranks each application. They then vote to decide which organizations will move forward to our Due Diligence review.
  • February – March: Grants Committee members work in small groups to conduct Due Diligence research and report their findings to the full Committee. The Grants Committee then votes to determine which organizations will move forward to the ballot, which is presented to the full WFW membership.
  • April: WFW members receive a summary of each proposal on the ballot and vote online.
  • May: After reviewing the membership votes, the Grants Committee determines final award amounts and announces grantees. We host our annual marquee Grant Awards Celebration in May each year..

2. How do you determine your funding focus area?

Beginning with the 2023-2024 grant cycle, and continuing through 2024-25, Women for Women will invest in programs that help economically disadvantaged women become more self-sufficient. Eligible Proposals might include, but are not limited to: workforce training; mentorship programs; access to safe, affordable housing; access to reliable transportation; access to quality, affordable childcare; financial education and empowerment initiatives; services or supports to age in place.

3. How do I know my membership gift gets put to good use?

All WFW grantees submit grant reports detailing the outcomes of their projects. Summaries of these reports are shared with members in the WFW E-News newsletter. Additionally, WFW members are encouraged to like and follow the WFW Facebook page for grantee updates. Past and current grantees are often invited to speak about their projects at Women for Women events. For members with a particular interest in Women for Women grants, we encourage you to join the Grants Committee.