Women for Women Endowment

An endowment helps to ensure our future financial sustainability.

In 2024, the Giving Circle awarded $288,000 in grants. With these awards, the Giving Circle has exceeded $5.2 million in grants for programs serving WNC women and girls. Photo by Michael Oppenheim.

The endowment will provide a revenue stream for the giving circle's operations over and above the $200 included in an annual membership.

When Women for Women considers an organization for a grant, we ask about the diversity of revenue streams and fiscal sustainability. Adding another revenue stream to Women for Women operations strengthens our financial sustainability and supports long-term growth. We are leading by example.

An endowment will provide annual income for Women for Women that will afford a stable and sustainable future for the giving circle. It helps protect our finances from changes in the economy and fluctuations in membership. Additionally, it provides a giving option for members and friends to make donations at any time during the year, leave a bequest or make a memorial gift.

Your donation to the Women for Women Endowment Fund ensures the long-term sustainability of the giving circle for years to come.

Thank you to the following Women for Women Endowment Donors

Anonymous (5)

Marla Adams

Julia Akers

Britt Allen

Denise Altay

Donald Aptekar, in memory of Carol Deutsch

Margaret Averyt

Sharyn Bahn, in memory of Renee Levine

Linda Bair

Susan Barbour

Amy Barry

Barbara Benisch

Charlotte Bernard, in memory of Renee Levine

Tiffany Boyd

David and Laura Bourne

Kellye Bradshaw

Anne Brady, in memory of Renee Levine

Anne Brady

Lin Brown

Linda Brown

Melinda Brown, in honor of LaDean Peterson

Janice Brumit

Joe & Janice Brumit, in memory of Carol Deutsch

Patricia Burgess

Sandra Byrd

Karen Campbell

Roberta Carney, in memory of Renee Levine

Shelia Christofalos

Judith Clark, in honor of Rhea Cravens

The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina

Kathy Courtney

Carrie Coward

Virginia Craig

Rhea Cravens

Alison Czeczuga

Darilyn Dealy

Lisette Degroot and Nicolette Momberg, in memory of Renee Levine

Nancy & Morris Deutsch, in memory of Carol Deutsch

Lynne Diehl

Henrietta Dillingham

Laura Dobbins

Leslie Dressler

Ingeborg Durre, in memory of Renee Levine

Jennie Eblen

Mr. and Mrs. William Falender, in memory of Renee Levine

Jane Fant

Bolling Farmer

Clara Ferguson

Shirley Ferguson

Sue Fernbach

Kay Finger

Hedy Fischer

The Frederick Bliss Foundation

Jacqui Friedrich

Deborah Fulton-Helmer

Ellen Gaddy

The Glass Foundation

Louise Glickman

Lynnell Goacher

Samantha Graff, in memory of Renee Levine

Alice Gray Gregory, in memory of Renee Levine

Lisa Greaves, in memory of Renee Levine

Lisa Green

Nancy Green, in memory of Renee Levine

Sydney Green

Pat Grimes

Louise Haas

Lynn Harmon

George E. Hein and Emily Romney, in memory of Renee Levine

Lois Henrickson

Sheila Horine

Ginny Hunneke

Katherine James

Susan Jenkins

Beth Johnson

Julie Johnson

Mary Johnson, in memory of Renee Levine

Bette Jore

Angela Kemper

Mary Kirby

Kathie Kline

Leslie Korn, in memory of Renee Levine

Pam Lane

Polly LeFaivre

Becky Lehman

Dennis Livingston and Karen Moss, in memory of Renee Levine

Amy Loether

Megan MacNabb

Lee Anne Mangone

Rendi Mann-Stadt

Elena Mansour

Karen Mauro & the Women's Civic Club of Asheville

Helen McClintock, in memory of Renee Levine

Sue McClinton

Sue and Ray McClinton, in memory of Carol Deutsch

Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDonald, in memory of Renee Levine

Patricia Moonan, in memory of Renee Levine

Pamela Nickless

Barbara Norman

Barbara Norris

Meredith Norwood

Kendall Wright Oliver

Eleanor Owen

Eleanor Owen, in memory of Carol Deutsch

Patricia Pace

Emily Partin

Anne Ponder

Cat Potts

Jill Preyer

Kathy Rauch

Katie Wood Ray

Martha Reifsnider

Sally Rhoades

Kat Rorison

Karen Rose

Robin Salcido, in memory of Renee Levine

Lisa Schiller

Jayne Schnaars

Kathryn Shands and Joseph Mulina, in memory of Renee Levine

Susan Shanor

Lisa Simpson

Bonnie Smith

Maggie Smith

Pat Smith

Phil & Pat Smith, in memory of Carol Deutsch

Patricia Snyder

Katherine Soderquist

Honey Solomon, in memory of Renee Levine

Eva-Michelle Spicer

Louis Stein

Sally Stein

Cathy Steinback

Monty Stepura

Summit Search Solutions

Jewel Tavener

Janet Thatcher

Katina Turner

Jennifer Vogel

Katie Wadington

Eunice Ward

Laura Webb

Paulette Webb, in memory of Renee Levine

Alice Weldon

Sharon Willen, in honor of Jill Preyer

Betsy White

Pam Winkler

Margie Zack

Olivia Zahler

As of July 2024, the WFW Endowment Fund totals more than $390,000