Women for Women
Generosity Multiplied

Spring 2024 - Grants totaling $91,470

  • $4,000 to Augustine Literacy Project-Brevard to train volunteers to provide free, 1:1 literacy intervention to students struggling with reading.
  • $1,000 to Aura Home Women Vets to support women Veterans who are homeless.
  • $3,470 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina to support the Program Coordinator position, recruitment activities, match activities, and supplies.
  • $1,000 to Brother Wolf Animal Rescue to subsidize spay/neuter surgeries for low-income families who own animals and could not otherwise afford the services.
  • $7,000 to Children's Center of Transylvania County to assist families in need with past due bills, gas vouchers, and some housing costs.
  • $5,000 to The Cindy Platt Boys and Girls Club of Transylvania County for personnel expenses of its 2024 Summer Program.
  • $5,000 to Literacy Connection to provide essential support to adult learners needing Citizenship Preparation classes and English Language Acquisition tutoring.
  • $5,000 to God's Way Fellowship Food Pantry for operating support for its pantry, which is experiencing increased demands for service by families in crisis.
  • $7,000 to The Haven of Transylvania County toward salaries of its Shelter Assistants, who ensure the safety of the shelter and its guests.
  • $6,000 to Hunger Coalition of Transylvania County to increase the amount of fresh, whole foods offered through its distributions.
  • $7,000 to Isaac Homes Youth Shelter toward salaries and facility improvements.
  • $5,000 to Make-A-Wish Central and Western North Carolina to fund a wish for a child living with a critical illness.
  • $5,000 to Meals on Wheels of Brevard to offset food costs for the 90+ homebound seniors served.
  • $7,000 to Muddy Sneakers to provide programming for Brevard Elementary, Brevard Academy, and TC Henderson in the spring semester.
  • $6,000 to Pardee Memorial Hospital Foundation to provide free mammograms to low-income, uninsured women through its new 3-D Mobile Mammography program.
  • $7,000 to Pisgah Legal Services to provide free civil legal assistance to, and advocacy for, low-income survivors of domestic violence and child abuse.
  • $6,000 to Smart Start of Transylvania County to address needs of unhoused children, ages 0-5, by providing families with childcare, clothing, basic supplies, and well-child medical visits and addressing other needs.
  • $4,000 to Thrive to provide permanent housing for residents who are currently experiencing homelessness.