Women for Women
Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Creating a lasting resource

The Cashiers Community Fund seeks to inspire philanthropy and strengthen charitable organizations serving the Cashiers area. The fund was established in 1992 by caring individuals who recognized the importance of permanent charitable resources to support changing needs and opportunities.

Contributions made to the Cashiers Community Fund are pooled and invested by The Community Foundation. Proceeds from the investments are used to make Recent Grantsgrants while the original gifts remain intact, continuing to grow for the benefit of future generations. You can make a difference in the Cashiers Community by making a tax-deductible gift of cash, securities or other assets.

Friends of Panthertown

Friends of Panthertown received $5,000 to to support the Panthertown Valley Stewardship Project.

Photo by Friends of Panthertown.

How you can get involved

  • Join our mailing list to stay informed about our work.
  • Nonprofit organizations and public institutions may apply to the Cashiers Community Fund for support. Review the guidelines and application information for Cashiers Community grants for more details. The deadline to apply the first Friday in July.
  • Join people like you who love Cashiers and want the best for our communities.

Want to know more?

Contact Melissa Edgington
Development Associate