Partners Aligned Toward Health (PATH) was awarded $10,000 for a summer program that delivers food and other necessary items to low-income households. Photo courtesy of PATH.
(April 2024) – The Yancey Fund awarded 18 grants totaling $120,485 to nonprofits serving Yancey County in its recent grant cycle. CFWNC’s Bailey-Hilliard Fund also provided funding for these grants. The Yancey Fund, in partnership with The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina (CFWNC), has awarded grants totaling $1,643,108.
“Through its grant program, The Yancey Fund supports local nonprofits doing work in our community,” said Advisory Board Chair Jim Gentry, Jr. “Building an endowment for Yancey County has allowed us to give back to organizations that provide critical services and improve the quality of life for everyone who lives here. We hope that we can fund more programs with more dollars each year, which is why we continue to grow the Fund. We are grateful to our friends and neighbors who support us in these efforts.”
The 2024 grants are:
$4,000 to Annabelle's Haven to install a culvert for machinery to access a building site.
$9,000 to Appalachian Therapeutic Riding Center for children to attend a summer enrichment program.
$10,000 to Dig In! Yancey Community Garden for a community-based, commercial composter.
$9,000 to Feed-A-Child WNC for a permanent facility to stock, bag, and distribute healthy snacks to children experiencing food insecurity.
$10,000 to High Country Area Agency on Aging for a program that supports caregivers of dementia patients.
$5,000 to Mountain Community Health Partnership for urinalysis lab analyzers needed for diagnostic healthcare services.
$9,000 to M.Y. Life Center for an education program for pregnant women and their families.
$5,000 to MY Neighbors for a volunteer driving program that provides transportation for medical appointments, shopping and other personal errands.
$4,500 to Parkway Playhouse of Burnsville for repairs to the theater.
$10,000 to Partners Aligned Toward Health (PATH) for a summer program that delivers food and other necessary items to low-income households.
$10,000 to Pisgah Legal Services to provide free civil legal assistance to, and advocacy for, low-income survivors of domestic violence and child abuse.
$10,000 to Southern Reconciliation Ministries to purchase food for its pantry.
$3,985 to THRIVE Appalachia for a youth enrichment program that teaches craft skills and financial education.
$5,000 to Toe River Aggregation Center Training Organization Regional (TRACTOR) to provide fresh locally-grown produce to people experiencing food insecurity.
$3,000 to WAMY Community Action to provide home repairs for low-income households.
$4,000 to Yancey County Health Department to purchase gynecological equipment and train nurses in its use.
$2,000 to Yancey County Humane Society to support a spay and neuter clinic.
$7,000 to Yancey County Schools to enhance STEM instruction at four elementary schools.
In 1998, local residents established The Yancey Fund as a permanent charitable endowment to meet local needs. Gifts added to the Fund’s principal are preserved and invested, while grants from the Fund support nonprofits serving Yancey County. To make a tax-deductible contribution, donate online or by mail to The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, 4 Vanderbilt Park Drive, Suite 300, Asheville, NC 28803, memo line: The Yancey Fund. Contributions of any size are welcome.
The local volunteer Advisory Board includes: Jim Ashton, Jill Austin, Gretchen Banks, Amber Westall Briggs, Olivier Calas, Dr. Monica Carpenter (Secretary), Jim Gentry Jr. (Chair), Jayne Ellen Hunt, Mark Mitchell, Calvin Rash, Julia Silvers (Vice Chair), and Gregory Stella.
For more information about The Yancey Fund, contact Advisory Board Chair Jim Gentry, Jr. at jim.gentry@edwardjones.com or visit www.YanceyFund.org.