(November 2014) The Community Foundation recently approved grants totaling $1,050,000 to nonprofits serving economically-disadvantaged populations across the Foundation's 18-county service area. These awards, the largest single grant cycle in the foundation's history, were made in partnership with the Janirve Legacy Fund, CFWNC affiliate funds and fundholders. Grants of up to $20,000 were made throughout the region served by the Foundation.
"Supporting nonprofits that help the region's individuals and families in times of need will always be a critical component of our work," said CFWNC President Elizabeth Brazas. "Money for more than half of these grants came from generous fundholders and our regional affiliate funds. This significant level of participation greatly increases our ability to provide access to health care, hunger relief, job training, child services, literacy programs and more. We are proud to support the nonprofits that work with our most vulnerable populations."
Affiliate funds who partner with the Foundation to raise local resources contributed to these grants. CFWNC funds that supported this grant cycle include the Mona Cornwell Memorial Fund, Connestee Falls Endowment Fund, De Land Family Fund, Dogwood Charitable Endowment Fund, Ruth L. Yeager/Nancy Yeager Cole Fund, Al and Polly LeFaivre Endowment Fund, Peterson Endowment Fund, Brown Family Fund, Delphinium Fund, Fidel Duke Fund, Mountin' Hopes Therapeutic Riding Fund, Oliver Family Fund, Carol Waggle Oliver Fund, Lipscomb Family Foundation, Little Acorn Fund, Penny Fund, Brame Family Foundation and two anonymous funds. The Sutherland Foundation also participated.