(September 22) This week, CFWNC approved two additional grants totaling $105,000 from its Emergency and Disaster Response Fund (EDRF) to nonprofits in counties significantly affected by the recent floods. With these awards, $247,500 has been awarded from the Fund to address response and relief efforts.
The most recent grants include $95,000 to Haywood County’s Mountain Projects that will support the rehabilitation of approximately five homes to livable standards and provide funds for increased staff costs related to flood response work.
“Affordable housing in Haywood County was already a major issue for low-income people before this recent disaster,” said Mountain Projects Executive Director Patsy Davis. “Many people are in temporary housing or living with loved ones. We are grateful for the resources to restore homes to safe, livable conditions. Every person counts, and every house we can repair counts. This funding is essential in light of the magnitude of the problem we are facing.”
A $10,000 grant to Pisgah High School in Haywood County will purchase technology, equipment and other teacher support supplies that would have been paid for through activities made impossible by the flood. The School’s campus experienced significant damage, and it will not be able to conduct fundraising for necessary items not covered by local, state and federal funding.
EDRF grants support frontline human service nonprofits meeting immediate needs or those whose ability to provide services was directly affected by the floods. Nonprofits use a simple, expedited process to access funds with grants awarded on a rolling basis.
In addition to CFWNC and a lead gift from Dogwood Health Trust, funders include WNC Bridge Foundation, Mission Health, Wicked Weed Brewing and donations from CFWNC fundholders and the community.
If you wish to support aid to those affected by flooding, you can donate to the Emergency and Disaster Response Fund. Administrative fees are waived so that every dollar will go directly to assistance.
Bringing people together to address regional issues is a key role of community foundations.