Women for Women

Scholarship Details

Ruth Paddison, a native of Blytheville, Arkansas, and a long-time resident of Asheville, passed away on February 20, 2007 at the age of 80. Though not an Asheville native, Ms. Paddison grew up in the area and graduated from Lee Edwards (now Asheville) High School in 1943. She then attended Converse College and Tulane University, graduating with a degree in social work.

Quiet and unassuming, Ms. Paddison was a generous supporter of the causes she believed in, many of which were educational in nature. Upon her death, many were pleased to discover that she had remembered them generously in her will.

Deeply committed to education, to young people, and to bettering life for western North Carolina residents, Ms. Paddison's estate enabled The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina to set up the Ruth Paddison Scholarship Fund. The fund's purpose is to provide scholarship awards to Madison County students seeking to continue their education.


Public high school seniors whose primary legal residence is in Madison County, who are eager to pursue a higher education, have demonstrated financial need and a good academic track record.

CFWNC ensures that all scholarship recipients are selected on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis and that selections are based on specific guidelines and criteria for each fund.

Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated financial need
  • A good academic performance record
  • Participation in extracurricular activities and community service
  • Some work experience

How to Apply

To apply, students must complete an application online. The application, with required attachments, must be submitted online on or before the deadline. Click here to apply.

Application Procedure

The scholarship program is administered by The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina. Please direct any questions about this scholarship to the foundation, at scholarships@cfwnc.org.

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