Women for Women

Scholarship Details

The Irving Jacob Reuter Award Program is an honorary award accompanied by a scholarship. It was established to honor the life of Irving Jacob Reuter and to commemorate his generosity. Mr. Reuter was born in 1885 in Indianapolis, Indiana. His parents immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1874. Reuter applied himself to his studies and graduated from Emmerick Manual Training High School in Indianapolis. He attended Purdue University and, following graduation in 1907, obtained employment in the emerging automobile industry. During a distinguished business career, Mr. Reuter held a number of positions in the management of General Motors Corporation in the United States and abroad. He and his wife, Jeannett, had one child, Wilma, who died in 1923 at the age of eleven.

Mr. Reuter created The Janirve Foundation in 1954 and arranged for it to become active in distributing its assets upon the death of his wife, which occurred in 1984. Since that time, The Janirve Foundation has made over 1,300 grants for projects and programs in a variety of fields.

The Irving Jacob Reuter Award Program represents a continuation of the work of The Janirve Foundation in carrying out the wishes of Mr. Reuter.


Graduating high school seniors whose primary residence is in Buncombe or Madison County, and who attend public schools in Buncombe or Madison County or the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) or the University of North Carolina School of the Arts (UNCSA) and who have superior academics, leadership and community service.

The Desired Applicant Qualities, in order of importance, include superior academic achievement and potential; strong moral character; community service, extracurricular activities and/or work experience; and success in dealing with life's challenges. The successful candidate will be an exceptional student first and foremost. While there is no formula to apply to high school performance or testing, the pool of candidates each year is extremely competitive, and consequently stronger students will have an advantage.

CFWNC ensures that all scholarship recipients are selected on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis and that selections are based on specific guidelines and criteria for each fund.

How to Apply

To apply, students must complete an application online. The application, with required attachments, must be submitted online on or before the deadline. Click here to apply.

Application Procedure

The scholarship program is administered by The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina. Please direct any questions about this scholarship to the foundation, at scholarships@cfwnc.org.

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