The Asheville Merchants Fund (AMF) seeks to improve the quality of life in Buncombe County by supporting innovative projects that strengthen the community through economic effects in one or more of its focus areas.
The Fund provides grants of up to $50,000 over two years. Approximately four to six grants are awarded during each two-year funding cycle. Grants are paid in two installments, with the second year of funding contingent upon reasonable progress toward expected results.
Projects must target economic benefit for Buncombe County residents. Priority will be given to projects comprehensively addressing one or more of the following areas:
Innovative Economic Approaches
- Community asset development: investing in emerging local economies, especially those related to home-grown businesses
- Entrepreneurship: resources for entrepreneurs, including access to training, service providers and capital to accelerate business success
Quality Jobs & Workforce
- Living wage work: recruitment, retention and expansion of businesses providing high-quality, well-paying jobs
- Appropriate skills: training for jobs that are in demand and critical to community viability
- Non-traditional training and employment services: flexible schedules, short-term certificate programs and community-based (versus academic institutional) settings
Social Infrastructure
- Programs contributing to family economic success, including financial education and asset development
- Affordable housing: developing effective strategies and supporting implementation
- Services that increase employees’ ability to participate fully in the workforce, including health and wellness or dependent care
Youth Success in School
- Middle and high school students: targeted academic (particularly in math, science and technology) and non-academic activities related to job skill development
- Family support: improving the home environment for learning
AMF supports organizations that have the capacity and vision to develop multi-faceted programs to help Buncombe County and its citizens thrive in the emerging economic environment. Factors considered in evaluating applications include:
- Focus on a critical need
- Defined, measurable results that can be achieved within the grant period and make a long-term difference in the beneficiaries' lives
- Skilled leadership with the potential to carry out innovative, integrated efforts effectively in one or more of the focus areas
Additional Funding Parameters
- New or existing programs are eligible for support.
- Operating expenses may be approved if the application clearly demonstrates how the proposed work is critically important to achieving the goals of the AMF Grant Program.
- Programs proposed must be carried out within Buncombe County.
- Statewide or national programs will not be considered unless (1) funding is sought solely for the portion of the program that will directly benefit Buncombe County and (2) local people are significantly involved in program development and management.
- Organizations may submit only one funding proposal per grant cycle.
Deadlines and Dates
Process is delayed. Details and deadlines will be shared when they are available.
AMF grants may be awarded to tax-exempt organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and governmental entities with a documented history of substantial work in Buncombe County that pre-dates the application.
What We Do Not Fund
Grants generally do not support: scholarships; sectarian religious purposes; partisan political purposes; endowment funds; deficit funding or debt retirement; capital support for new buildings or major expansions; festivals or one-time events such as exhibits, performances or fundraisers; or activities taking place or expenses incurred before grant funds are awarded.
How to Apply
1. Access Community Foundation Staff Assistance
While not required, if you would like to discuss your proposal or have questions regarding eligibility, contact Tara Scholtz, Senior Program Officer, by email or at 828-367-9913.
2. Submit a Letter of Intent
Begin the online application process to submit a Letter of Intent. For technical assistance with the online grant system, please contact Diane Crisp, Senior Grants Manager, by email or at 828-367-9904. The online system notifies applicants by email upon receipt of their submission.
3. Review Process
Staff screens applications for completeness, clarity, and compliance with eligibility requirements. The Fund’s Advisory Committee evaluates grant applications, taking into consideration the Fund’s priorities, availability of funds for the stated purposes, applicants’ capabilities, and potential benefits to the community served.
CFWNC distributes grant payments by electronic funds transfer (EFT). Each grantee must have current banking information on file at CFWNC to receive payment.
Reporting Requirements
Applicants must submit an online interim and end-of-grant report verifying use of grant funds and results. Instructions will be included in the grant award letter sent by email to the head of the awarded organization, and report deadlines can be found in CFWNC’s online grant system. We may also require additional reports or site visits.
Guideline Modifications
The Fund’s Advisory Committee may modify these guidelines, or make exceptions to them, in consultation with The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina staff.
For additional information, download Recent Grants.